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High Rise Window Installation Documentation with Drones

By November 7, 2014Uncategorized

Over the course of the summer Aerial Photo Media branched out from the real estate & wine industry marketing niche in to construction and survey. Architecture, Fenestration, & Restoration Inc, known as AFR, partnered with Aerial Photo Media to showcase their biggest project to date: a 335 window installation project at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Burlingame California. Resting on the south edge of the Bay Area, Burlingame is subject to some pretty intense winds. This particular project presented some major challenges with it’s proximity to large buildings and the extreme wind conditions. We had a few occasions were we simply could not fly based on the wind. The end result however, was quite fantastic. AFR utilized our footage to excel their marketing and showcase their efficient work. During the conversion, the Crowne Plaza Hotel was able to maintain a 97% occupancy rate thanks to the seamless operations of AFR. Check out the video below: